I am the Arena

The Arena is everyone’s and we are all the Arena

The Project

The Arena di Verona represents the cultural heart of the city and a worldwide symbol of Italian excellence.

It is a tangible and intangible heritage that belongs to all of us and needs the support of a large number of people to continue to stand out.

Supporting the Arena di Verona means becoming part of the world’s most important open-air Theatre and becoming a promoter of the economic and social value of culture.

The fundraising campaign addresses donors, private individuals and companies who want to contribute to defending the value of the Arena Festival’s identity, particularly in a period of international tourism crisis caused by Covid-19.

Reasons for supporting us

The Arena is a place that produces value and wealth, for the families of its numerous workers and the thousands of people involved the induced business it generates, from the stage to tourism.

The Arena is a beautiful place and, today more than ever, the world needs the power of beauty and wonder.

The Arena is everyone’s and we are all the Arena. Donate now. #iosonolarena



How to donate

Everybody can contribute according to their possibilities. Our aim is to gather as many supporters as possible, to ideally embrace the Arena and protect it. An embrace of at least 100,000 euros.

Methods vary according to the various categories 

Do you want to donate individually?

You are free to choose the sum to donate. 



Are you a professional?

The city’s professional associations are organizing their participation in the initiative. 

Apindustria Confimi Verona

Confartigianato Imprese Verona

Confcommercio Verona

Consiglio Notarile di Verona

Federalberghi Verona

Federfarma Verona

Ordine degli Avvocati di Verona

Ordine degli Ingegneri di Verona

Ordine dei Consulenti del Lavoro di Verona

Ordine dei Dottori Commercialisti ed Esperti Contabili

Ordine dei Farmacisti di Verona e Provincia

Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e Odontoiatri di Verona 


Have you a company?

Take out membership and become one of the 67 columns. Download the presentation HERE. Write to 67colonne@arenadiverona.it to receive further details. 





Soci Fondatori e Partner

Founding Members

Major Partner Arena di Verona Opera Festival


Major Partner Arena di Verona Opera Festival

Major Partner Teatro Filarmonico

Official Sponsor

  • Automotive Partner

  • Mobility Partner

  • Accessibility Partner

  • Media Partner

Official Supplier

Official Partner

Cultural Partner