Beketayeva Aigerim


Principal Dancer, Astana Opera, 2013 - 2021

Honoured Worker of Kazakhstan.




2013 -  until now, principal dancer at the State Opera and Ballet Theatre “Astana Opera”, Nur-Sultan, Kazakhstan.

2010 – 2013 – a principal dancer at the K. Baiseitova National Opera and Ballet Theatre.

Since 2013 – guest soloist at the St. Petersburg State Academic Ballet Theatre of Boris Eifman.




2010 – graduated from Choreographic College named after A.V. Seleznev in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

2015 – graduated from the Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University and was awarded the qualification of “teacher-choreographer” (Russia).




  • Diploma winner at the 1st International Ballet Competition “Orleu” (2008); 
  • Grand Prix at the International Festival of Creative Youth “Shabyt” (Astana, 2012); 
  • Diploma winner at the Y. Grigorovich International Competition “Young Ballet of the World” in Sochi (2012); 
  • Third prize at the International Ballet Competition in Varna (Bulgaria, 2012); 
  • Third prize at the Rudolf Nureyev International Ballet Competition (Budapest, 2013); 
  • Diploma winner at the 12th International Competition of Ballet Dancers and Choreographers in Moscow (Bolshoi Theatre, 2013); 
  • Second prize at the International Ballet Competition “Grand Prix of Siberia” (Krasnoyarsk, 2014); 
  • Prizewinner of the Foundation of the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy (2014); 
  • Laureate of the Sakhnager-2019 National Theatre Award in the "Best Ballet Dancer" category;
  • Winner of the CIS International Youth Award “The Commonwealth of Debuts” (2019).




Aurora (The Sleeping Beauty by P.Tchaikovsky)

Camille (B.Eifman's ballet Rodin)

Juliet (Romeo and Juliet by S.Prokofiev)

Odette-Odile (Swan Lake by P.Tchaikovsky)

Phrygia, Aegina (Spartacus by A. Khachaturian)

Marie (The Nutcracker by P.Tchaikovsky)

Zarema (The Fountain of Bakhchisarai by B.Asafyev)

Nikiya, Gamzatti (La Bayadère by L.Minkus)

Esmeralda (Notre-Dame de Paris by M.Jarre)

Kitri (Don Quixote by L.Minkus)

Manon (Manon to the music of J.Massenet)

The Swan (The Dying Swan by C. Saint-Saëns)

Medora (Le Corsaire by A. Adam)

Youth (R.Rebeck's ballet How Long is Now?)

Seventh Waltz (Chopiniana to the music of F. Chopin)

Giselle (Giselle by A. Adam)

Swanilda (Coppélia by L. Delibes)

Immortal Love (R.Rebeck's ballet Beethoven – Immortal – Love)

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